"The most important step to improvement is the first one."

Apply to work with Shari

Please take a few minutes to let us know a bit about the challenges you are facing. This will help us determine the best next steps.

All information collected is confidential. 

"These classes changed me in all the best ways. 

Ultimately, my relationship ended, and that was a good thing. Thanks to what I learned from Shari, I felt confident and secure moving forward.

My decision making has improved and it has led to really positive changes in my confidence. 

If you want to make sure you don't repeat old patterns, you have nothing to lose. You’ll benefit when it comes to your relationship but also when it comes to money. It was huge for me. 

Best investment I ever made. 

Becca Hanley, Texas, USA

"I was seriously considering leaving the marriage as trying to talk about our problems always ended in an argument. Things might change for a week or so and quickly return to how they were or worse. We were both very unhappy.

It has been an 18 month journey but we are in the best place we have been in over 10 years. 

Lisa Jones, Ontario, CA.



"With Shari, I learned so much about working on myself and taking care of me. 

I didn't think I was going to like the group calls, but they turned out to be beneficial as you learn you are not alone out there, there is others going through similar or way worse issues.  

It was a process, but my husband and I are back on track and I am feeling the love again.

Shari is easy-going, loving and understanding. 

Just do this. You won't regret it!"

Tamara Bridal, British Columbia, Ca.